Kasey Bittman, M.S.
I have always believed that self-esteem is the foundation for everything in one’s life; and that if there’s a crack in that foundation, it can affect a person’s whole life. That is why, in my therapeutic practice, I focus on being very “present,” and will always listen closely to you and encourage you to feel comfortable and safe expressing your feelings, and help you build trust in yourself, first. Then, I will support and encourage you to forge your own, unique path, and not a path that someone else thinks is right for you. I encourage my patients to express themselves in ways that are comfortable for them. If, for example, you have a hard time expressing yourself verbally, but you play a musical instrument, you are welcome to bring that instrument to play in our sessions. Or if you express yourself through art, I will encourage you to bring in some of your artwork to share with me. I myself am a singer and I believe in creativity in my therapy. I will not “make” a path for you. Rather, I will be mindful of the needs you have and will strive to guide you along a productive and positive path of your choosing, that we design together.
I hold a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and an Associates Degree in Chemical Dependency, both from Keene State College, Keene, NH. And I hold a Masters Degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Plymouth State University, NH. I have also worked as an intern at a safe-house for adult men with substance abuse, in Boscawen, NH. Here, I found I have an immense capacity for “meeting people where they are,” which enables my patients to feel my empathy and non-judgment, and to trust me and feel safe confiding in me. I was very moved by the resilience I saw in those men, and I try to instill the skill of resilience in all of my patients. During this endeavor, I became deeply attuned to active listening, empathy, and suspense of judgment. I have always been imbued with a very positive attitude in my own life, and I believe my patients feel that positivity, and are encouraged by it.
My therapeutic methods include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Motivational Therapy, Patient-centered interviewing, Mindfulness, and Solution-focused therapies. I specialize in the areas of depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and adjustment to various difficult life situations. I am passionately dedicated to the self-worth of every patient in my care, and I am committed to putting all of my energy and creative professional resources into positive outcomes for each and every patient. My philosophy and practice are thoroughly in concert with Comprehensive Counseling Connections’ mission – Let Us Help You Find Your Way. I will work with you to help you find your best path forward, should you choose to seek my help. Please feel free to call me, in total confidence. I look forward to speaking with you.

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